An extended example
The following is based on an example in [OSCAR], which in turn is based on Section 5.3 of [GHLMP96]. To fully understand what is going on we strongly recommend to read the latter source concurrently with the present text.
To start we load the generic character table for $\mathrm{SL}_3(q)$ with $q\not\equiv 1\pmod 3$. To learn about the origin of the table, we could enter print(info(T))
julia> T = generic_character_table("SL3.n1")
Generic character table SL3.n1
of order q^8 - q^6 - q^5 + q^3
with 8 irreducible character types
with 8 class types
with parameters (a, b, m, n)
As we can see this table has four parameters in addition to $q$. The entries of the table are “generalized cyclotomics”, that is, linear combinations over $\mathbb{Q}(q)$ of symbolic “roots of unity” depending on the parameters listed above.
julia> T[4,4]
(q + 1)*exp(2π𝑖*(a*n)//(q - 1)) + exp(-2π𝑖*(2*a*n)//(q - 1))
Denoting row 4 of the table by $\chi_4$, we note that is not a single character, but a character type, describing a whole family of characters.
julia> χ₄ = T[4]
Generic character of SL3.n1
with parameters
n ∈ {1,…, q - 1} except n ∈ (q - 1)ℤ
of degree q^2 + q + 1
with values
q^2 + q + 1
q + 1
(q + 1)*exp(2π𝑖*(a*n)//(q - 1)) + exp(-2π𝑖*(2*a*n)//(q - 1))
exp(2π𝑖*(a*n)//(q - 1)) + exp(-2π𝑖*(2*a*n)//(q - 1))
exp(2π𝑖*(a*n)//(q - 1)) + exp(2π𝑖*(b*n)//(q - 1)) + exp(2π𝑖*(-a*n - b*n)//(q - 1))
exp(2π𝑖*(a*n)//(q - 1))
With these generic characters, we can compute norms, scalar products, and more. For this demonstration we tensor the second character type $\chi_2$ with itself.
julia> h = T[2] * T[2]
Generic character of SL3.n1
of degree q^4 + 2*q^3 + q^2
with values
q^4 + 2*q^3 + q^2
q^2 + 2*q + 1
We may now attempt to decompose this character type h
by computing its scalar product with the irreducible character types. This returns a “generic” scalar product, plus a (possibly empty) list of parameter exceptions for which the general result may not hold. For example:
julia> scalar_product(T[4], h)
With exceptions:
2*n1 ∈ (q - 1)ℤ
This scalar product is $0$ except when $q-1$ divides $2n_1$, where $n_1$ indicates the value of the parameter $n$ for the first factor in the scalar product (i.e. the character type $\chi_4$). For a “generic decomposition” we need to compute all the scalar products and exceptions.
julia> for i in 1:8 println("<$i, h> = ", scalar_product(T[i], h)) end
<1, h> = 1
<2, h> = 2
<3, h> = 2
<4, h> = 0
With exceptions:
2*n1 ∈ (q - 1)ℤ
<5, h> = 0
With exceptions:
2*n1 ∈ (q - 1)ℤ
<6, h> = 0
With exceptions:
2*m1 - n1 ∈ (q - 1)ℤ
m1 - 2*n1 ∈ (q - 1)ℤ
m1 + n1 ∈ (q - 1)ℤ
m1 ∈ (q - 1)ℤ
m1 - n1 ∈ (q - 1)ℤ
n1 ∈ (q - 1)ℤ
<7, h> = 0
With exceptions:
n1 ∈ (q - 1)ℤ
<8, h> = 0
With exceptions:
q*n1 ∈ (q^2 + q + 1)ℤ
n1 ∈ (q^2 + q + 1)ℤ
q*n1 + n1 ∈ (q^2 + q + 1)ℤ
This suggest a decomposition of $\chi_2\otimes\chi_2$ into $\chi_1+2\chi_2+2\chi_3$ “in general”. But comparing the respective degrees, we notice a discrepancy:
julia> degree(linear_combination([1,2,2],[T[1],T[2],T[3]]))
2*q^3 + 2*q^2 + 2*q + 1
julia> degree(h)
q^4 + 2*q^3 + q^2
To resolve this, we need to work through the exceptions. Recall that earlier we saw that $\langle\chi_4,\chi_2^2\rangle=0$ except when $q-1$ divides $2n_1$, where $n_1$ was the value of the parameter $n$ used in $\chi_4$. Further restrictions apply to $n$:
julia> parameters(T[4])
n ∈ {1,…, q - 1} except n ∈ (q - 1)ℤ
So $n$ may take on any value between $1$ and $q-1$ not divisible by $q-1$. Hence the only possible exception is $n=(q-1)/2$ which can only occur if $q$ is odd. It thus makes sense to consider $q$ odd and $q$ even separately.
We demonstrate this for $q$ even. Then $\langle\chi_4,\chi_2^2\rangle=0$ and with a similar argument $\langle\chi_5,\chi_2^2\rangle=0$. We now construct a copy of the table but with the congruence equation $q\equiv 0\pmod 2$ applied:
julia> T2 = set_congruence(T; remainder=0, modulus=2);
Inspecting the list of exceptions for $\langle\chi_6,\chi_2^2\rangle$, the first occurs when $q-1$ divides $m+n$. To study this case we specialize $m$ for character type 6:
julia> (q, (a, b, m, n)) = parameters(T2);
julia> x = parameter(T2, "x"); # create an additional "free" variable
julia> s = specialize(T2[6], m, -n + (q-1)*x); # force m = -n (mod q-1)
Recomputing the scalar product now gives a new result. Note that we have to map the character type h
into the new table for this to work.
julia> scalar_product(s, T2(h))
With exceptions:
3*n1 ∈ (q - 1)ℤ
2*n1 ∈ (q - 1)ℤ
The exceptions both cannot occur as $q$ is even and the table we are considering is only defined for $q\not\equiv 1\pmod 3$. By working through the other possible exceptions and irreducible character types, and handling duplicates, one finally obtains
\[\chi_2^2 = \chi_1+2\chi_2+2\chi_3 +\frac12\sum_{n=1}^{q-2} \chi_6(n,q-1-n) +\frac12\sum_{n=1}^{q} \chi_7(n(q-1)).\]
Where $\chi_6(n,q-1-n)$ indicates that the $6$th character in the table T2
is a family on two parameters: $n$ and $q-1-n$, while $\chi_7$ depends on only one, namely $n(q-1)$. A similar result can be obtained for odd $q$ albeit with a few more cases that need to be dealt with, but all in essentially the same manner.