Getting Started

This page covers the installation of Polymake.jl and where to find help.


The installation can be done in the Julia's REPL by executing

julia> using Pkg; Pkg.add("Polymake")

This will fetch a pre-built binary of polymake. You are ready to start using Polymake.

Note: Pre-built binaries are available for the Linux and macOS platform, but the macOS binaries are considered experimental. Windows users are encouraged to try running Julia inside Window Subsystem for Linux and reporting back ;)

Note: Pre-built polymake will use a separate .polymake config directory (usually joinpath(homedir(), ".julia", "polymake_user")).

Getting Help

For basic information on the usage of Polymake.jl we refer to the other sections of this documentation.

For further details on polymake and its abilities see the Polymake User Guide.