Summer School 09/2021
Aims Exercises Participants Preparation Program Registration



The schedule will be adjusted as we go along, so please watch out for changes.

The talks will be in Zoom. Everything else will take place in our workspace.

Monday, September 6

Tuesday, September 7

Wednesday, September 8

Thursday, September 9

Friday, September 10


“Computational exact linear algebra: from theory to practice” (Clément Pernet)

Exact linear algebra is a core component of many symbolic and algebraic computations, as it often delivers competitive theoretical complexities and also better harnesses the efficiency of modern computing infrastructures. We will present an overview on the recent advances in exact linear algebra algorithmic and implementation techniques, and highlight the few key ideas that have proven successful in their design. After considering the choice of the low level computer arithmetic, we will illustrate how algorithmic reductions designed for theoretical complexity improvements become also relevant for efficiency in practice. Lastly, we will give a special care to the design and implementation of parallel exact linear algebra routines, trying to emphasize the similarities and distinctness with parallel numerical linear algebra. We aim to provide the working computer algebraist with a set of best practices for the use or the design of exact linear algebra software.

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